Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Luv Flash Sales

I found out about mommy flash sales a few months ago. They are websites that have REALLY good deals, but only for a few days. Once they're gone, that's it. I thought I would list on here a few of my favorite flash sale sites. There are some really good baby sales on some of these sites.

TOTSY: an online private flash sale club and community dedicated to offering expecting moms and families with young children with designer baby apparel, baby gear and accessories at sample sale prices.

Why join? You'll get the inside scoop on flash sales offering 40-70% savings on the brands you love (right now Tra La La is on sale. My BFF loves this brand for her little girl. They had Trumpette socks on sale last week for 1/2 off!). Plus, you'll get $15 every time you refer a member that buys something on Totsy.

ZULILY: Daily Deals for Moms, Babies & Kids. Right now they have a sale on "Cach Cach", another brand my BFF loves for her little girl. They also have some really cute smocked dresses on sale right now.

Baby Steals: This site only has one or two items on clearance a day. Today they have aden + anais Issie Security Blankets - (2pack) on sale. I know my blog buddy Sara loves those for her baby.

Anyways, those are all the ones I really like at the moment. If you know of more, leave a comment with a link to the site & share the love!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trip to Sam's Club

Gosh, it was hot today. My car said 113 degrees last I looked. I had to run to Sam's Club after work today to pick up my new glasses! I haven't gotten a new pair of glasses in about 6-7 years, so I'm well overdue for some. When I pulled into Sam's, I smelled Jarrett when I got him out of his car seat. MASSIVE POO POO. MASSIVE. So, I had to change his diaper out in the car in the 113 degree heat before we went inside. Gross. (but, I didn't want to get dirty looks from people if they got a whiff of that smell) We also had an issue yesterday morning while I was getting ready for work & Jarrett was chillin' on the bed. When Jason picked him up there was poo all in the bed & all over him. And, last week he was in his swing & I picked him up & there was poo all in the swing! Does anyone else ever think that poo totally misses the diaper & just goes out the side? HAHA! I'm "poo'ed" out & ready for my mom to get here. She is on a plane right now coming to see us. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!

Anyways, here is my sweet boy while we were waiting for my glasses. He always gets comments on his eyes by random people. A lady came up & said what beautiful eyes he had!

There was a huge monkey & I had to take his picture with it. We love monkeys!
And, here are my new specs. I really like them, but I'm getting used to the frames.

<span class=Photobucket">

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Jarrett's first trip to the pool + Video

Today Jarrett had his first trip to the pool! We went around 5:00-ish b/c we didn't want it to be to hot. The pool was pretty well shaded & he LOVED the water. We figured he probably would because he loves taking a bath. It was fun to get out for a little while & go swimming. When we got home I gave him a bath & I think he thought he was still in the pool. I just cleaned the hall bathroom & he splashed water EVERYWHERE. It might be time to stick the baby tub into the big tub.

Here are a few pictures from our swimming adventure.
All smiles :)
Here is a cute video we took while swimming. You can hear the lady in the background on the phone with her son saying she was going to steal our baby, haha! (of course she was just kidding) She kept saying how cute he was :)


We're having a pretty good weekend so far. I've been cleaning & trying to get ready for Nana to arrive on Tuesday. We are so excited! I try to get some good photos of Jarrett while the sun is out & I can use natural light. He is getting sweeter every day.
I want to eat my foot!
Hope ya'll are having a good weekend! I would love to try & go swimming tonight after it cools off. We'll see if I can get Jason to go.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Little Boy Blue, a Facial Beauty Analysis & A GIVEAWAY!

Little Boy Blue come blow your horn,
The sheep's in the meadow the cow's in the corn.
But where's the boy who looks after the sheep?
He's under a haystack fast asleep.
Will you wake him? No, not I - for if I do, he's sure to cry

Isn't this a cute little outfit? It belonged to my BFF Kristin's little boy. I love turquoise blue on Jarrett with his eyes.
I also found some of the "Poo in Blue" diapers. My friend Sara also had 2 boys & sent me a couple of boxes of her boys stuff. This hat was in one of those boxes. It was a little snug on his head. Maybe he has a big head like his momma!
Get this hat off my head!

I saw my friend Jens post this on her blog & I had to try it. It gives you a 1 to 10 score on how pretty you are - WHATEVER! It only rated me an 8.61 out of 10. Again - WHATEVER! I still thought it was fun to do (even though I'm not a 10). Hope ya'll have fun trying it out. I like fun stuff like this, even if it ISN'T accurate ;) Let me know what your score is!
Click HERE to get yours.

And, just FYI...I did a Google search for "ugly woman" & this lovely lady came up. I uploaded her picture & I'm glad to know she scored lower than me. If she would've scored above me, I probably would've been a bit upset.
Now, on to other important news! My blog buddy "Jessica" from "In the Sky with Diamonds" is doing a giveaway for CSN stores. You can win a $60 giftcard! I've hosted for them a few times & I love it. Everyone has always been so lovely to me from CSN stores. And, I just made my first order from the TODAY using my gift coupon. I ordered the Chicco walker for Jarrett.

Click HERE to enter Jessica's Giveaway!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Twilight cup

You may think I'm cheesy for posing with a Burger King cup, but with a picture of Edward on it from Twilight - I DON'T CARE! (our office got us Burger King this morning for breakfast) It's almost time for Eclipse to come out in the theater & I'm so excited my mom is going to be here. Hopefully we can see it together b/c we both love the books. If only my sister could come see it with us too :( POO!

"What's that Edward? You love me too? Sorry, I'm already taken."
"I'll still give you a kissy face!"
I love Twilight!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Pronunciation: \in-ˈhāl\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): in·haled; in·hal·ing
Etymology: in- + exhale

transitive verb

1 : to draw in by breathing
2 : to take in eagerly or greedily

Well, I don't think Jarrett is "eagerly" taking his breathing treatments, but he sure is curious about them! He does pretty well most of the time, unless he is hungry or fussy. For some reason, he has been waking up in the middle of the night lately. Almost every night since we got out of the hospital. I'm not sure if it is because of the treatments or he is just hungry? It sure is making me tired though & I can't wait for my momma to get here!

Here's a few pictures of Jarrett getting his breathing treatment tonight. It's hard to keep the hose in front of his face because he keeps trying to play with it & stick it in his mouth!