Gosh, I know it's been a long time since I posted on here. These last few months have been SO hard. I honestly felt like for the past few years I have blogged about having a perfect little family... and now I don't have that anymore. I have learned a few things in the past few months:
1. Family is EVERYTHING to me. Without them, I don't know if I would've made it. Thank you Mom, Dad & Nannie. You have always supported me through thick & thin - and I LOVE you for that. I've also learned there is NO family like YOUR family.
2. Addiction is a horrible thing to see someone you love go through & watch them lose everything because of it.
3. Packing up an entire house by yourself with a toddler is exhausting in so many ways. I'm still wondering how I managed to do it & work full-time. It's because of #4...
4. Friends are the glue to your sanity when you have no family near (Angie).
5. Starting over after over 8 years with someone is hard & it hurts your heart. Time heals everything, right? Lets just hope so.
6. Being a single mom is tough. I now have to change every diaper, give every bath, wash all his clothes, feed him, do the dishes, give him breathing treatments, tell him "NO" 100 times a day!...But, my baby is my life & what keeps me going.
7. A good attorney is hard to find. Especially in Vegas. Mine is HORRIBLE!!!
8. Leaving a job & co-workers you loved & starting one that isn't as great makes you value those relationships even more.
9. It is nice to see old friends again & realize the hometown you grew up in, really isn't that bad! ;)
Needless to say, I am happy to be back home around family & friends. Thank you for all the prayers & thoughts for me & Jarrett. I want to keep blogging so I can document Jarrett's life & I guess our NEW adventures together - just the two of us. I know I am strong & I can do this.
I also wanted to share a few pictures of me & Jarrett before we left Vegas. A couple of them were on our Christmas card. Me & my friend Angie went out to Calico Basin & took these pictures ourselves. I think they turned out pretty well!

Thanks for stickin' with me friends...I'll be back soon! :)